Creating A Scene

Lets create a simple scene where you can move around player.

  • Create a folder named “Scenes” in your desired Scripts folder (optional)
  • Create a file for your scene with your desired name ( I Prefer SceneExample )
  • import "Engine"
  • Create a class as following
import "Engine"

class SceneExample is Scene {
	construct new() {


As you see we are inheriting Scene from the Cube2D module for our usage. So first of all we need a constructer for our new SceneExample class which you can use like but since we are inheriting Scene class we can also call Scene classes methods so our class is ready to be used like

  • You probably wanna draw something to screen so lets draw a simple rectangle to screen for example.
  • Add Draw() {} method to your class.
  • import "raylib" for COLOR
  • also import Rect from Cube2D
import "Cube2D" for Scene, Rect

class SceneExample is Scene {
	construct new() {
		_Player =, 0, 32, 32) // Create a rectangle at (0, 0) with size (32, 32).
		_Player.Tint = COLOR["RED"] // Add a color to the rectangle.
	Draw() { 
  • Now You probably also wanna controll that player.
  • also import Engine from Cube2D
  • Add Update() {} method to your class.
import "Cube2D" for Engine, Scene, Rect
import "raylib" for COLOR

class SceneExample is Scene {
	construct new() {

		_Player =, 0, 32, 32)
		_Player.Tint = COLOR["RED"]

	Update() {
		var Speed = 24
		Engine.WASDMovement(_Player.Base, Speed)
	Draw() {
  • You can also create a new scene that inherits SceneExample or any other scene to call methods from that.

Made With Love By Cube Nerd | Copyright © 2023-2023 Cube Nerd. Distributed by an MIT license.