API Documentation

Cube2D Engine just binds or recreate things from raylib, raymath, Cube2D Framework, and as raylib says, you can just learn things just learn things by looking at their cheetsheet, but in my personal opinion, switching between cheetsheet and code editor is kinda pain so just include raylib.h, raymath, Cube2D.hpp in your project and your code editor most likely supports better file switch compared to what you would do if those files were not included.

Now as for the Engine itself, you just gotta see the tutorials.

How To Use Enums & Defines?

The following enums are few of enums defined by raylib.

typedef enum {
    MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT    = 0,       // Mouse button left
    MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT   = 1,       // Mouse button right
    MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE  = 2,       // Mouse button middle (pressed wheel)
    MOUSE_BUTTON_SIDE    = 3,       // Mouse button side (advanced mouse device)
    MOUSE_BUTTON_EXTRA   = 4,       // Mouse button extra (advanced mouse device)
    MOUSE_BUTTON_FORWARD = 5,       // Mouse button forward (advanced mouse device)
    MOUSE_BUTTON_BACK    = 6,       // Mouse button back (advanced mouse device)
} MouseButton;

which can be imported in wren as MOUSE_BUTTON and be used like MOUSE_BUTTON["LEFT"] cuz I don’t want you to import every single enum manually like import "raylib" for MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT, MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT, MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE, MOUSE_BUTTON_SIDE, MOUSE_BUTTON_EXTRA, MOUSE_BUTTON_FORWARD, MOUSE_BUTTON_BACK

How to use classes?

As you may have noticed in Cube2D.hpp, all the classes and functions have been wrapped in namespace Engine but I was a little lazy to let you be able to do Engine.Rect for equivelent of Engine::Rect

So you do it as following instead.


import "Cube2D" for Scene, Rect


import "Cube2D" for Engine

You don’t need another line for this just prepend Engine, to the statement used for classes such as import "Cube2D" for Engine, Scene, Rect

And use the functions like



Its same for all modules.

You just need to learn keywords, like Engine from “Cube2D”

  • RL from raylib
  • RM from raymath

What Cube2D Engine Doesn’t Bind?

  • Q: Wait, what? I thought Cube2D Engine binds everything from those files.
  • A: Nuh uh, not currently at least.

Cube2D Engine also does not yet bind classes which have members like float v[3], you know, the c style array thing. but they will be bind-ed later.

What you are unable to find is currently not bind-ed in wren because of a little problem with them and my laziness to fix those problems. If something important doesn’t work for your project then please open a [issue on Github].

Cube2D Framework

Lets start with the simplest, Cube2D Framework


Scene is a class for scene management which heavily relies on inheritance but for some reason wren doesn’t support inheritance from foreign classes, foreign classes refer to classes bind-ed by the engine in our case.

  • Q: But according to home page’s example, we were totally doing inheritance of Scene
  • A: In order to make it work I had to create equivalent of Scene class in wren to support inheritance which is contained in the Cube2D module you import in your wren file.

  • Q: So here will be documentation for equivalent of Scene class ?
  • A: Nope, it works exactly the same.


Rect is bind-ed into wren but there’s a catch.

Rect is a class for easier rectangular manipulation which you would also like to add inheritance to create stuff like entity, tile, player, enemy, etc. but Rect is a little more hard class to be recreated in wren, so I created bind-ed Rect class from c++ as OrignalRect in wren and created a wrapper class in purely in wren which calls OrignalRect behind the scenes

  • Q: So why we were using .Base for Engine.WASDMovement?
  • A: Engine.WASDMovement takes OrignalRect aka C++ Rect to move it but Rect in wren is a wren class so it throws a bad cast error so I added a .Base getter to get the real deal which you can pass onto Engine.WASDMovement.

Init & Close

Those two are intentionally not bind-ed as they are handled by the engine.


The next simplest one is raymath

  • Q: How do I use raymath’s PI and stuff, it doesn’t follow the syntax shown in [How To Use Enums & Defines]
  • A: import "raymath" for PI, EPSILON, DEG2RAD, RAD2DEG

  • Q: What about MatrixToFloat and Vector3ToFloat?
  • A: Later.

Things that raylib defines

It would be real dumb to rebind things that raylib also defines so import those stuff from raylib module.

float3 & float16

those two classes are not defined for the reason told in [What Cube2D Engine Doesn’t Bind?]

Vector3ToFloatV, MatrixToFloatV

these are functions that use unbind-ed classes


My worst nightmare.

Material, BoneInfo, ModelAnimation, VrDeviceInfo, VrSteroConfig AudioStream, Sound, Music, FilePathList

those two classes are not defined for the reason told in [What Cube2D Engine Doesn’t Bind?]

LoadVrStereoConfig, UnloadVrStereoConfig, LoadFileData, SaveFileData, ExportDataAsCode, LoadDirectoryFiles, LoadDirectoryFilesEx, LoadDroppedFiles, UnloadDirectoryFiles, LoadMaterials, LoadMaterialDefault, IsMaterialReady, UnloadMaterial, SetMaterialTexture, LoadWaveFromMemory, PlaySound, StopSound, PauseSound, ResumeSound, IsSoundPlaying, SetSoundVolume, SetSoundPitch, SetSoundPan, WaveCopy, WaveCrop, WaveFormat, LoadWaveSamples, LoadMusicStream, LoadMusicStreamFromMemory, IsMusicReady, UnloadMusicStream, PlayMusicStream, IsMusicStreamPlaying, UpdateMusicStream, StopMusicStream, PauseMusicStream, ResumeMusicStream, SeekMusicStream, SetMusicVolume, SetMusicPitch, SetMusicPan, GetMusicTimeLength, GetMusicTimePlayed

, LoadAudioStream, IsAudioStreamReady, UnloadAudioStream, UpdateAudioStream, IsAudioStreamProcessed, PlayAudioStream, PauseAudioStream, ResumeAudioStream, IsAudioStreamPlaying, StopAudioStream, SetAudioStreamVolume, SetAudioStreamPitch, SetAudioStreamPan, SetAudioStreamBufferSizeDefault, SetAudioStreamCallback, AttachAudioStreamProcessor, DetachAudioStreamProcessor, AttachAudioMixedProcessor, DetachAudioMixedProcessor

those are functions that use unbind-ed classes

SetTraceLogCallback, SetLoadFileDataCallback, SetSaveFileDataCallback, SetLoadFileTextCallback, SetSaveFileTextCallback

First of all I don’t want you to modify my engine’s callback and stuff. Second, I don’t remember what went wrong while binding those functions.

LoadFileData, UnloadFileData , CompressData, DecompressData, EncodeDataBase64, DecodeDataBase64, LoadImageFromMemory

these functions use unsigned char * which my brain can’t comprehend.


this function was also out of my brain, so I just made LoadFileText call this function automatically once done and its probably better this way.


Just one * pointer drives me crazy and you expect me to comprehend two * pointers

TextCopy, TextIsEqual, TextLength, TextFormat, TextSubtext, TextReplace, TextInsert, TextJoin, TextSplit, TextAppend, TextFindIndex

These text related stuff are not needed in wren, wren has awesome string interpolation and stuff.

InitAudioDevice , CloseAudioDevice , IsAudioDeviceReady

Those are handled by Cube2D Framework

[issue on Github] https://github.com/mastercuber55/Cube2D-Engine/issues

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